  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[5.0.2] - 2021-01-25


  • Update to internal build configuration for UMD compile rxjs and rxjs/operators now correctly set as rxjs and rxjs.operators for globals

[5.0.1] - 2021-01-21


  • Documentation updates and some minor internal cleanup due to Typedoc upgrade

[5.0.0] - 2021-01-19

Breaking changes in public API, and a lot of internal refactoring.


  • join operator for the string module, allows string creation from Array and Set without needing @rxjs-ninja/rxjs-array


  • Operators charAt, charCodeAt, codePointAt all now return an Array value, even if a single value property is used (which will return an array of length 1)
  • from* Observables and concat operator no longer accept arguments list or Promise values
  • Fix toLowerCase and toUpperCase reading the wrong variable
  • Improved titleize, also uses new join operator internally
  • split operator now has default space separator
  • normalize accepts Observable FormType
  • Internal cleanup and refactoring

[4.1.0] - 2021-01-17


  • All operators now accept Observable input values
  • All operators and Observables that accepted Array values now also support Set
  • Internal refactor of all operators

[4.0.0] - 2020-12-21


This release contains a major update to documentation and examples on and improved test coverage that provided various bug fixes.


  • replaceAll operator for replacing all instances of a passed string in a source string (note: This requires node 15 or latest browsers)


  • padString has been removed, padStart/padLeft and padEnd/padRight are the only API for these methods
  • trimString has been removed, trim, trimStart/trimLeft and trimEnd/trimRight are now only available
  • titlize arguments have changed, now accepts a list of words to exclude first as an array of strings. Ignores this for the first word or capitalised words
  • concat now uses concatMap instead of switchMap when passed an Observable value
  • fromCharCode, fromCodePoint, fromString and fromUnicode now accept Observable or Promise-like values

[3.1.2] - 2020-11-22


  • Package is now published under @rxjs-ninja/rxjs-string (this also includes previous version for migration from @tinynodes/rxjs-string)
  • Documentation updates

[3.1.1] - 2020-11-20


  • Minor doc updates and new homepage URL

[3.1.0] - 2020-11-19


  • Correctly export all operators and fixed issues with Angular imports

[3.0.0] - 2020-11-17


  • Updated to Typescript 4
  • Documentation, test and code improvements

[2.3.1] - 2020-05-24


  • Minor improvement of test coverage

[2.3.0] 2020-05-23


  • concat operator now supports passing of Observable value as parameter

[2.2.0] - 2020-05-18


New Operators (now String feature complete)

  • fromUnicode - Creates a string of Unicode Normalization Form characters and uses String.prototype.normalize to convert it to a string
  • match and matchAll for matching strings or regular expressions.
    • match returns a single Array-like RegExpMatchArray
    • matchAll returns an array of Array-like RegExpMatchArray
  • repeat - This repeats a string by the passed count number. This implementation accepts an optional separator character that can be used to generate strings such as CSV
  • search - Searches a string and return the index of the result
  • padStart and padEnd alias methods now added for padding
  • trimLeft trimRight and trim alias methods now added for trimming


  • Underlying typescript library for library changed from es2018 to es2020

[2.1.2] - 2020-05-16


  • Added PadPosition and TrimPosition enums


  • Improved documentation

[2.1.1] - 2020-05-14


  • Fix single character support in mapCodePoint


  • Improved documentation more

[2.1.0] - 2020-05-10


  • fromString now accepts both a single string value or array of string values. When passing an array it acts the same as the from operator and also accept a scheduler.
  • concat operator now accepts an argument list of strings or an array of strings
  • fromCharCode now accepts both a single string value or array of string values, but will only return a single string value
  • fromCodePoint now accepts both a single string value or array of string values, but will only return a single string value
  • mapCharCode now accepts an Observable single number or array of numbers
  • mapCodePoint now accepts an Observable single number or array of numbers
  • Tests refactored and improved
  • Improved documentation

[2.0.0] - 2020-05-10


  • The current operators that begin with from* are being changed to filter* or map* as using from has a specific context in RxJS with creating Observable values.

The following operators are affected:

  • fromCharCode to mapCharCode. For the new fromCharCode method, see the Added section below.
  • fromCodePoint to mapCodePoint. For the new fromCodePoint method, see the Added section below.
  • fromEndsWith to filterEndsWith
  • fromIncludes to filterIncludes
  • fromStartsWith to filterStartsWith


  • fromString - Creates an Observable string from the string passed as it's parameter
  • fromCharCode method now takes an array of numbers that are char codes and returns an Observable string value
  • fromCodePoint method now takes an array of numbers that are char codes and returns an Observable string value

[1.1.2] - 2020-05-07


  • titleize - Operator for taking a string and capitalising first character of each word (title case)
  • reverse - Operator for reversing a string

[1.1.1] - 2020-05-06


  • Documentation improvements

[1.1.0] - 2020-05-06


  • codePointAt - Returns the code point at a specified index position of an Observable<string>
  • concat - Returns a string of the original Observable<string> concatenated with additional string passed as parameters
  • fromCharCode - Generates a string based on an array of character codes
  • filterCodePoint - Generates a string based on an array of code points
  • fromStartsWith - Returns the String value of a Observable<string> that starts with a specified character
  • lastIndexOf - Returns a Number last index of a specified string in a Observable<string> value
  • slice- Returns a substring String of the original Observable<string> from start index to optional end index
  • split - Returns a string[] of strings spit from the original Observable<string> using a separator property
  • startsWith - Returns a Boolan value if an Observable<string> starts with a specified character

[1.0.2] - 2020-05-06

Initial release of library


  • charAt - Returns the character at a specified index position of an Observable<string>
  • charCodeAt - Returns the character code at a specified index position of an Observable<string>
  • endWith - Returns a Boolan value if an Observable<string> ends with a specified character
  • fromEndsWith - Returns the String value of a Observable<string> that ends with a specified character
  • fromIncludes - Returns the String value of a Observable<string> that includes a specified string
  • includes - Returns the Boolean value of a Observable<string> that includes a specified string
  • indexOf - Returns a Number index of a specified string in a Observable<string> value
  • padString - Returns a padded string, padded from 'start' or 'end' to a specified length and optional pad character
  • replace - Returns a String where the original Observable<string> is modified with a regex or string search string, and replacement character or string
  • substring - Returns a substring String of the original Observable<string> to the specified start position and length
  • toLowerCase - Returns a localised lower-case String of the original Observable<string> value
  • toUpperCase - Returns a localised upper-case String of the original Observable<string> value
  • trimString - Returns a String value that has white space trimmed from the original Observable<string> - can be 'start', 'end' or 'all'

Generated using TypeDoc, the 18/11/2022 at 13:22:58