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Package with operators for generating Observable, filtering, querying and parsing strings in RxJS

String Module


padLeft:alias of padStart
padRight:alias of padEnd
trimLeft:alias of trimStart
trimRight:alias of trimEnd


NO_CAP_WORDS: string[] = ...

Default words to exclude when using the titleize operator

Convert Functions

  • join(separator?: Subscribable<string> | string): OperatorFunction<Iterable<unknown>, string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string value from an Array or Set of values joined to a single string using the separator.


    The type of value in the source Array or Map


    • separator: Subscribable<string> | string = ' '

      The character to join text with, default is a space character

    Returns OperatorFunction < Iterable < unknown > , string >

    Observable that emits a string from an Array or`Set of values

  • split(separator?: Subscribable<string> | string, limit?: Subscribable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, string[]>
  • Returns an Observable that emits an array from a source string split by the separator using String.split


    Returns an array of a string split on the | character


    Output: ['Hello', 'World', 'RxJS', 'Ninja']


    Returns an array of a string split on the | character, limiting to the first 2

    of('Hello|World|RxJS|Ninja').pipe(split('|', 2)).subscribe();

    Output: ['Hello', 'World']


    • separator: Subscribable<string> | string = ' '

      The character to split the string at

    • Optional limit: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional limit for the number of times to split

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , string [] >

    Observable that emits an array of strings from the source string split on the separator

Create Functions

  • fromCharCode(input: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number): Observable<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string made from character codes using String.fromCharCode


    This operator will emit a single string for all input passed including arrays


    The mapCharCode operator can be used to map an Observable source of char codes to strings


    Return a string from character code array

    fromCharCode([82, 120, 74, 83]).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS


    Return a string from character code Observable

    fromCharCode(of([82, 120, 74, 83]).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS


    • input: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number

      Single or list of character codes to convert to a string

    Returns Observable < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • fromCodePoint(input: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number): Observable<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string made from code points using String.fromCodePoint


    This operator will emit a single string for all input passed including arrays


    Return a string from code points array

    fromCodePoint([9731, 9733, 9842]).subscribe();

    Output: ☃★♲


    Return a string from code points Observable

    fromCodePoint(of([9731, 9733, 9842]).subscribe();

    Output: ☃★♲


    • input: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number

      Single or list of code points to convert to a string

    Returns Observable < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • fromString(input: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string): Observable<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits strings from any an argument list of strings or supported Observable, Promise or Array-like source


    This operator is a type-safe from and will emit only strings, also unlike from a single string is not converted into an array-like.


    Return a reversed string from an array list of strings

    fromString(['RxJS', 'Ninja']).pipe(reverse()).subscribe();

    Output: 'SJxR', 'ajniN'


    Return a reversed string from an Observable array list of strings

    fromString(of(['RxJS', 'Ninja'])).pipe(reverse()).subscribe();

    Output: 'SJxR', 'ajniN'


    • input: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string

      Argument list, Observable input, Promise or Array of strings

    Returns Observable < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • fromUnicode(input: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string, form?: FormType): Observable<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string made from a source unicode string using String.normalize


    This operator is a type-safe from and will emit only strings, also unlike from a single string is not converted into an array-like.


    Returns a string from Unicode characters


    Output: Amélie


    • input: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string

      Single or list of Unicode character to convert to a string

    • Optional form: FormType

      The Unicode Normalization Form to decode the string with

    Returns Observable < string >

    Observable that emits a string

Filter Functions

  • filterEndsWith(search: Subscribable<string> | string, maxLength?: Subscribable<number> | number): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string ends with the passed ending using String.endsWith


    The endsWith operator returns the boolean value


    Return a string where the source string ends with the S character

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(filterEndsWith('S')).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS


    Return a string where the source string at up to length 4 ends with the t character

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(filterEndsWith('t', 4)).subscribe();

    Output: Tests


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to check the source ends with

    • Optional maxLength: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional length of the string to check

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • filterIncludes(search: Subscribable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string contains with the passed search string using String.includes


    The includes operator returns the boolean value


    Return a string where the source string includes 'JS'

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(filterIncludes('JS')).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to check the source ends with

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • filterStartsWith(search: Subscribable<string> | string, startIndex?: Subscribable<number> | number): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string starts with the passed string using String.startsWith


    The startsWith operator returns the boolean value


    Return a string where the source string starts with the N character

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(filterStartsWith('N')).subscribe();

    Output: Ninja


    Return a string where the source string starts with t character from index 3

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(filterStartsWith('t', 3)).subscribe();

    Output: Tests


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to check the source starts with

    • Optional startIndex: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional index to start the check from

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string

Mapping Functions

  • mapCharCode(): OperatorFunction<Iterable<number> | number, string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string from a source of character codes using String.fromCharCode


    The fromCharCode Observable can be used to generate a string source from character codes


    Returns a string RxJS from a source array of character codes

    of([82, 120, 74, 83]).pipe(mapCharCode()).subscribe()

    Output: RxJS

    Returns OperatorFunction < Iterable < number > | number , string >

    Observable that emits a string from source character codes

  • mapCodePoint(): OperatorFunction<Iterable<number> | number, string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string from a source of character codes using String.fromCodePoint


    The fromCodePoint Observable can be used to generate a string source from character codes


    Returns a string RxJS from a source array of code points

    of([9731, 9733, 9842]).pipe(mapCodePoint()).subscribe()

    Output: ☃★♲

    Returns OperatorFunction < Iterable < number > | number , string >

    Observable that emits a string from source code points

  • normalize(form?: Subscribable<FormType> | FormType): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string made from a source unicode string using String.normalize


    Returns a string from Unicode characters


    Output: Amélie


    • Optional form: Subscribable<FormType> | FormType

      The Unicode Normalization Form to decode the string with

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string

Modify Functions

  • concat(input: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string that is the source string concatenated with the passed input to the operator using Sting.concat


    Return a string that is a source appended with a string


    Output: RxJSNinja


    Return a string that is a source appended with a array of strings

    of('RxJS').pipe(concat([' ', 'Ninja'])).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS Ninja


    Return a string that is a source appended with an Observable strings

    of('RxJS').pipe(concat(of([' ', 'Ninja']))).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS Ninja


    • input: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string

      Single or list of arguments to concatenate with the source string

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • padEnd(maxLength: Subscribable<number> | number, fillString?: Subscribable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string has been padded using String.padEnd




    Returns a string padded to a length of 12 with default fill string

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(padEnd(12)).subscribe();

    Output: 'RxJS Ninja '


    Returns a string padded to a length of 12 with . fill string

    of('12345').pipe(padEnd(12, '.')).subscribe();

    Output: 'RxJS Ninja..'


    • maxLength: Subscribable<number> | number

      The maximum length to pad the string to

    • Optional fillString: Subscribable<string> | string

      Optional string to use as the string padding

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string that is padded to the passed length

  • padStart(maxLength: Subscribable<number> | number, fillString?: Subscribable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string has been padded using String.padStart




    Returns a string padded to a length of 12 with default fill string

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(padStart(12)).subscribe();

    Output: ' RxJS Ninja'


    Returns a string padded to a length of 12 with . fill string

    of('12345').pipe(padStart(12, '.')).subscribe();

    Output: '..RxJS Ninja'


    • maxLength: Subscribable<number> | number

      The maximum length to pad the string to

    • Optional fillString: Subscribable<string> | string

      Optional string to use as the string padding

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string that is padded to the passed length

  • repeat(count: Subscribable<number> | number, separator?: Subscribable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string is repeated with String.repeat.


    If a separator is passed it uses an array and will join the result using the separator instead, as String.repeat does not support it


    Returns a string with the word Ninja repeated 5 times


    Output: NinjaNinjaNinjaNinjaNinja


    Returns a string with the word Ninja repeated 5 times with a , separator

    of('Ninja').pipe(repeat(5, ', ')).subscribe();

    Output: Ninja, Ninja, Ninja, Ninja, Ninja


    • count: Subscribable<number> | number

      The number of times to repeat the string

    • Optional separator: Subscribable<string> | string

      Optional separator for joining strings

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string of the source string repeated

  • replace(pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp, replacement: Subscribable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string, replacing text in the source string with the replacement text if the pattern is found using String.replace


    Return a string with first instance Hero replaced with Ninja

    of('RxJS Hero, Angular Hero').pipe(replace('Hero', 'Ninja')).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS Ninja, Angular Hero


    Return a string where Hero is replaced with Ninja using a RegExp

    of('RxJS Hero, Angular Hero').pipe(replace(/(?!\w+\s)(\w+)/, 'Ninja')).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS Ninja, Angular Hero


    • pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp

      A string or RegExp to find in the Observable string to replace

    • replacement: Subscribable<string> | string

      The replacement string

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • replaceAll(pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp, replacement: Subscribable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string, replacing text in the source string with the replacement text if the pattern is found using String.replaceAll


    Return a string with all instances of Hero replaced with Ninja

    of('RxJS Hero, Angular Hero').pipe(replaceAll('Hero', 'Ninja')).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS Ninja, Angular Ninja


    Return a string where Hero is replaced with Ninja using a RegExp

    of('RxJS Hero, Angular Hero').pipe(replaceAll(/(?!\w+\s)(\w+)/g, 'Ninja')).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS Ninja, Angular Ninja


    • pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp

      A string or RegExp to find in the Observable string to replace

    • replacement: Subscribable<string> | string

      The replacement string

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string

  • reverse(): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string is reversed.


    This operator turns a string into an array and uses Array.reverse and Array.join to create a new string


    Returns a string that is reversed


    Output: 'Palindrome'

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string that is reversed from the source

  • slice(startIndex: Subscribable<number> | number, endIndex?: Subscribable<number> | number): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string that is a partial slice of the source string using String.slice


    For creating substrings use substring as a better alternative to slice


    Return a string from index 0 to 4

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(slice(0, 4)).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS


    Return a string from index 5 to the end of the string

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(slice(5)).subscribe();

    Output: Ninja


    • startIndex: Subscribable<number> | number

      The start index for the substring

    • Optional endIndex: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional end index for the length of substring, if not passed slice will use str.length -1

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string that is a slice of the source string

  • substring(indexStart: Subscribable<number> | number, indexEnd?: Subscribable<number> | number): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string that is a partial slice of the source string using String.substring


    Return a string from index 0 to 4

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(substring(0, 4)).subscribe();

    Output: RxJS


    Return a string from index 5 to the end of the string

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(substring(5)).subscribe();

    Output: Ninja


    • indexStart: Subscribable<number> | number

      The index of the first character to include in the returned substring.

    • Optional indexEnd: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional The index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring.

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a string that is a substring of the source string

  • titleize(noTitleWords?: Subscribable<Iterable<string>> | Iterable<string>, separator?: Subscribable<string> | string, locales?: Subscribable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Return an Observable that emits a string where the source string is titleized (first letter of each word uppercase). The operator uses String.toLocaleUpperCase so can support locale strings

    By default is uses the NO_CAP_WORDS to skip some words (unless they are the first word in the string). To disable this pass an empty array, and to extend you can use the default with a spread operator to extend: [...NO_CAP_WORDS, 'foo', 'bar']. When using a separator, if no change in default pass undefined

    It will also skip words already starting with a capital (e.g. <a href="" target="_blank">RxJS</a>)


    Returns a string titilzed with default no caps words

    of('the RxJS ninja').pipe(titleize()).subscribe();

    Output: The RxJS Ninja


    Returns a string titilzed with additional no cap words

    of('the RxJS ninja').pipe(titleize([...NO_CAP_WORDS, 'ninja'])).subscribe();

    Output: The RxJS ninja


    Returns a string titilzed with a separator

    of('angular,RxJS,typescript,ninja').pipe(titleize(undefined, ',')).subscribe();

    Output: Angular,RxJS,Typescript,Ninja


    Returns a string titilzed with a different locale

    of('ängulär,RxJS,typescript,ninjä').pipe(titleize(undefined, undefined, 'de-DE')).subscribe();

    Output: Ängulär,RxJS,Typescript,Ninjä


    • noTitleWords: Subscribable<Iterable<string>> | Iterable<string> = ...

      A list of words to exclude from making a title word

    • separator: Subscribable<string> | string = ' '

      Optional separator to use when joining each word

    • Optional locales: Subscribable<string> | string

      Locales for string formatting

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a titilzed string

  • toLowerCase(locales?: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string is passed through String.toLocaleLowerCase


    Returns an lower case string


    Output: 'apple'

    • Returns an lower case string with locale
      Output: 'äpfel'


    • Optional locales: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string

      Optional locales to pass for string formatting

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a lower case string

  • toUpperCase(locales?: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string is passed through String.toLocaleLowerCase


    Returns an upper case string


    Output: 'APPLE'


    Returns an lower case string with locale


    Output: 'ÄPFEL'


    • Optional locales: Subscribable<Iterable<string> | string> | Iterable<string> | string

      Optional locales to pass for string formatting

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a lower case string

  • trim(): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string has any white space at the ends removed using String.trim


    Returns the source string with any whitespace at both ends removed

    of('  RxJS Ninja  ').pipe(trimStart()).subscribe();

    Output: 'RxJS Ninja'

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a trimmed string

  • trimEnd(): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string has any white space at the end removed using String.trimEnd




    Returns the source string with any whitespace at the end removed

    of('  RxJS Ninja  ').pipe(trimStart()).subscribe();

    Output: ' RxJS Ninja'

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a trimmed string

  • trimStart(): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<string>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a string where the source string has any white space at the start removed using String.trimStart




    Returns the source string with any whitespace at the start removed

    of('  RxJS Ninja  ').pipe(trimStart()).subscribe();

    Output: 'RxJS Ninja '

    Returns MonoTypeOperatorFunction < string >

    Observable that emits a trimmed string

Query Functions

  • charAt(positions: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, string[]>
  • Returns an Observable that emits an array of strings. The string is returned from String.charAt using the passed index or array of indexes. The output is always an Array containing the string, or empty string if nothing found.


    Return the character at index 1

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(charAt(1)).subscribe();

    Output: ['x']


    Return the character at index 1 and 7

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(charAt([1, 7])).subscribe();

    Output: ['x', 'n']


    • positions: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number

      Single or list of index values to return the character at

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , string [] >

    Observable that emits an Array of string values

  • charCodeAt(positions: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, number[]>
  • Returns an Observable that emits an array of numbers. The number is returned from String.charCodeAt using the passed index or array of indexes. The output is always an Array containing the number, or NaN.


    Return the character code of the character at index 1

    of('RxJS Ninja').pipe(charCodeAt(1)).subscribe();

    Output: 120


    • positions: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number

      Single or list of index values to return the character at

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , number [] >

    Observable that emits an Array of number values

  • codePointAt(positions: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, number[]>
  • Returns an Observable that emits an array of numbers. The number is returned from String.codePointAt using the passed index or array of indexes. The output is always an Array containing the number, or NaN.


    By default String.codePointAt returns undefined, this operator returns NaN instead matching charCodeAt


    Return the code point of the character at index 1


    Output: 9733


    • positions: Subscribable<Iterable<number> | number> | Iterable<number> | number

      Single or list of index values to return the character at

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , number [] >

    Observable that emits a number that is a code point

  • endsWith(search: Subscribable<string> | string, maxLength?: Subscribable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, boolean>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a boolean value where the source string ends with the passed string parameter using String.endsWith


    The filterEndsWith operator returns the string value


    Return if the source string ends with the S character

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(endsWith('S')).subscribe();

    Output: true, false, false


    Return if the source string at up to length 4 ends with the t character

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(endsWith('t', 4)).subscribe();

    Output: false, false, true


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to check the source ends with

    • Optional maxLength: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional length of the string to check

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , boolean >

    Observable that emits a boolean of the source string ending with the passed input

  • includes(search: Subscribable<string> | string): OperatorFunction<string, boolean>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a boolean where the source string contains with the passed search string using String.includes


    The filterIncludes operator returns the string value


    Return a boolean where the source string includes 'JS'

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Tests']).pipe(includes('JS')).subscribe();

    Output: true, false, false


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to check the source ends with

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , boolean >

    Observable that emits a boolean

  • indexOf(search: Subscribable<string> | string, startIndex?: Subscribable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, number>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a number of the first index from the source string where the search string begins using String.indexOf


    Returns the first index of RxJS in the string

    of('Hello RxJS Ninja, RxJS Rocks').pipe(indexOf('RxJS')).subscribe();

    Output: 6


    Returns the first index of RxJS in the string, starting from index 8

    of('Hello RxJS Ninja, RxJS Rocks').pipe(indexOf('RxJS', 8)).subscribe();

    Output: 18


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to search in the source string

    • Optional startIndex: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional start position if not from the beginning of the string

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , number >

    Observable that emits a number that is the first index of the search string in the source string

  • lastIndexOf(search: Subscribable<string> | string, lastIndex?: Subscribable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, number>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a number of the last index from the source string where the search string begins using String.lastIndexOf


    Returns the first index of RxJS in the string

    of('Hello RxJS Ninja, RxJS Rocks').pipe(lastIndexOf('RxJS')).subscribe();

    Output: 18


    Returns the first index of RxJS in the string, ending at index 15

    of('Hello RxJS Ninja, RxJS Rocks').pipe(lastIndexOf('RxJS', 15)).subscribe();

    Output: 6


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to search in the source string

    • Optional lastIndex: Subscribable<number> | number

      The index of the last character in the string to search up to

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , number >

    Observable that emits a number that is the last index of the search string in the source string

  • match(pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp): OperatorFunction<string, RegExpMatchArray | null>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a RegExpMatchArray where a source string returns a valid result using using String.match. If no result is found, null is emitted.


    Returns a single match for the string RxJS in the source string

    of('Hello RxJS Ninja, RxJS Rocks').pipe(match('RxJS')).subscribe();

    Output: ['RxJS', index: 6, input: 'Hello RxJS Ninja, RxJS Rocks', groups: undefined]


    Returns a match with a RegExp with global /g for RxJS

    of('Hello RxJS Ninja, RxJS Rocks').pipe(match(/RxJS/g)).subscribe();

    Output: ['RxJS', 'RxJS']


    • pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp

      A string or RegExp to match

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , RegExpMatchArray | null >

    Observable that emits a RegExpMatchArray

  • matchAll(pattern: Subscribable<RegExp> | RegExp): OperatorFunction<string, RegExpMatchArray[]>
  • Returns an Observable that emits an array of results from String.matchAll


    This operator converts the IterableIterator<RegExpMatchArray> to RegExpMatchArray[] to avoid dealing with iterators.


    Returns all matching groups in the source string

    of('RxJS Ninja,Hello Ninja').pipe(matchAll(/([A-Za-z\s]*)Ninja/g).subscribe();

    Output:["RxJS Ninja", index: 0, input: "RxJS Ninja,Hello Ninja"], ["Hello Ninja", index: 11, input: "RxJS Ninja,Hello Ninja"]


    • pattern: Subscribable<RegExp> | RegExp

      A RegExp regular expression to match in the string

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , RegExpMatchArray [] >

    Observable that emits an array of RegExpMatchArray

  • search(pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp): OperatorFunction<string, number>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a number that is the first index of where the value is found using


    Return the first index of Ninja

    of('RxJS Ninja, Angular Ninja').pipe(search('Ninja')).subscribe();

    Output: 5


    Return the first index of the first found group from the RegExp

    of('RxJS Ninja, Angular Ninja').pipe(search(/(?!\w+\s)(\w+)/g)).subscribe();

    Output: 5


    • pattern: Subscribable<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp

      A string or RegExp to match in the string

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , number >

    Observable that emits an number that is the start index of the first found value

  • startsWith(search: Subscribable<string> | string, startIndex?: Subscribable<number> | number): OperatorFunction<string, boolean>
  • Returns an Observable that emits a boolean when the source string contains the input string at the start of the source string using String.startsWith


    If you need to get the string value instead of boolean use filterStartsWith


    Return a boolean if the source string starts with the passed input

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Hero']).pipe(startsWith('R')).subscribe();

    Output: true, false, false


    Return a boolean if the source string starts with the passed input from index 1

    from(['RxJS', 'Ninja', 'Hero']).pipe(startsWith('x', 1)).subscribe();

    Output: true, false, false


    • search: Subscribable<string> | string

      The string to check the source string start with

    • Optional startIndex: Subscribable<number> | number

      Optional start index to being searching the string from

    Returns OperatorFunction < string , boolean >

    Observable that emits a boolean if the source string start with the input string

Generated using TypeDoc, the 18/11/2022 at 13:22:58